Hours: Monday 8:30 a.m. to end of business
201 N. Jennings Ave. • 2nd Floor • Anthony, KS 67003
(620) 842-6030
District 1
Brian Waldschmidt
District 2
Melinda McCurley
District 3
Darrin Struble - Chairman 2024
General Information...(620) 842-6030
Meetings - 8:30 a.m. Every Monday
201 N. Jennings
Main Floor
Anthony, KS 67003
Meetings are open to the public and are conducted until the conclusion of scheduled business and/or appointments for each day.
Appointments may be scheduled by emailing bocc@harpercountyks.gov or call at the phone number 620-842-6030. Any person needing special accommodations to participate in noticed meetings should contact the County Clerk's Office before the meeting.
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
The Harper County Commissioners are vested by the Kansas State Statute with both legislative and administrative powers and duties. These powers and duties include:
Supervision of county property
Control of financial affairs of the county
Approval of annual budget
Construction and maintenance of county roads and bridges
Awarding of contracts
Setting of salaries for all county officials
Approval of land use and zoning policies for the county
Designation of depositories for the county treasurer
Providing a jail, courthouse, office space, and supplies for all county officers and the district court
The commission also serves as the County Board of Canvassers for elections
Request for Proposal
Check here for the latest RFPs for Harper County Kansas. Questions or need help? Please email rfp@harpercountyks.gov or call 620-842-6000
Remodel of approx. 4,000 of medical office space. 123 N Jennings Anthony, KS, 67003.